Part 1
- What is a “one time charge” and how is it used in accounting
- Define the “art of accounting and finance”
- When should revenue be recorded on the company books?
- What does the Income Statement show?
- What are operating expenses?
- How did Xerox play the revenue recognition game?
- Define the term “capital expenditures”
- Which company incorrectly reported capital expenditures?
- Define the term “accruals.
- Define the term “allocation”
- Give an example of the accounting process “allocation”
- . Define the term “depreciation”.
- Which industry changed depreciation methods resulting in increasing profits?
- Describe the “dot-com boom” and how company valuations resulted in negative consequences.
- Define the term “Goodwill”
- Identify two ways that WorldCom “cooked the books”
- Why would the finance department tell you not to spend any money even though the company is profitable?
- Explain how cash in the bank and profit are different.
- Define GAAP and identify it’s purpose.
- Why does GAAP matter?
- What is a 10-Q and a 10-K?
- Which government agency controls publicly traded companies?
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