Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices
Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.
Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.
Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.
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Order Paper NowTo Prepare:
- Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
- Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
- Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.
The Assignment (4-5 pages):
Developing Organizational Policies and Practices
Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:
- Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
- Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
- Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
- Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
- Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.
from module 1 paper
National Healthcare Issue – Technology Disruption
Silifat Jones-Ibrahim
Walden University
National healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on the organization.
The healthcare environment is complex, which means that there is a need to integrate critical processes that can help define a strong level of engagement. Making better decisions in healthcare focus on the ability to incorporate quality and high level of patient satisfaction. Different approaches are integrated within the healthcare context, which provides a diverse system to improve the level of commitment between healthcare service providers and patients. The current healthcare environment is defined based on the level of engagement among healthcare providers. A key issue in healthcare has been the integration of technology. Technology has been implemented in healthcare, which focuses on creating a reliable system that emphasis on a strong level of management.
My organization has been engaged in transforming the quality of healthcare through the integration of technology across different settings. The organization has adequately focused on protecting patient information, which emphasizes on a strong level of engagement within healthcare. Patient information is sensitive and thus, highly targeted by criminals. The use of technology has ensured that there is easy retrieval of patient information while also minimizing errors, which could lead to loss of patient information (Finck, 2018). Every healthcare provider within the organization has undertaken a training program in electric health records management to improve their knowledge and skills when using the latest technology.
The organization has also embraced technology in monitoring the quality of care across the facility. Different departments have been linked within the system, thus making it is possible to access information and the level of patient care from a central point. The integration of a highly diversified system means that better decision making requires a systematic process which provides a unique emphasis on essential processes that define change. It is easier to detect a lapse in care provision, which plays a central role in improving the quality of care because it is easy to monitor (Gao, Li, & Luo, 2015).
Management of critical care has also been improved due to the use of advanced machines within the intensive care unit. The sensitivity and the need to develop a reliable system provide a highly effective emphasis on essential processes that help implement better outcomes. Computerizing the whole unit has ensured that there is a reduced chance of medical error, which can have a detrimental influence on the healthcare outcome of a patient. The organization has one of the best success rates in recoveries from the Intensive care Unit. This highlights the importance of using technology in managing patient healthcare.
Summary of articles
Different researches have been conducted to create an understanding of the existing focus on technology in healthcare. The emphasis on these researches helps in understanding the existing gaps in healthcare as well as how technology can help in transforming the current healthcare environment. Schwamm (2014) conducted a study aimed at assessing how telehealth can be implemented to transform healthcare based on seven strategies. Telehealth involves the use of electronic services to provide quality healthcare across different settings. Telehealth is a disruptive technology in healthcare that aims at cutting costs while emphasizing on quality healthcare delivery. The article highlights that the increasing cost of care can only be managed through the implementation of quality technology. Using telehealth in helping chronic patients in remote places is an important consideration to improve the quality of care.
In another article by Engelhardt (2017) which focussed on linking healthcare to blockchain technology. The article highlights that healthcare must be able to balance patient care with information management. This takes into consideration the existing diverse nature of technology embraced in creating a highly effective healthcare environment. The integration of blockchain technology ensures that there is a high level of privacy when sharing information. Management of information across different platforms requires a strong emphasis on essential changes which help define a strong level of organizational development. Solving the existing healthcare information establish a highly integrated system where it is easier to implement crucial measures that can help attain better outcomes. Improving the quality of healthcare includes different strategies which can be adequately evaluated through the management of the available technologies.
The strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues
The articles selected have provided focus on essential technologies that can be included in healthcare to develop a profoundly transformed system. Management of healthcare outcomes is defined through successful consideration of crucial elements that can be considered in ensuring that there is a strong level of organizational development. Telehealth and blockchain technology discussed have provided a unique understanding of crucial factors that can help define a well-organized system that improves healthcare outcomes. The processes that have been implemented are essential in creating a profoundly transformed healthcare context. Health integrates different processes which help define a reliable system where it would be possible to manage the needs of employees.
The impact of technology within the organization can either be positive or negative. Technology is diverse, which means that new concepts are being developed daily. Different approaches that are embraced in this case helps define a highly successful environment where it would be possible to create a system that encompasses an improved level of care. The number of cybercriminals targeting sensitive patient information is many using sophisticated technology systems which remain mostly undetected.
Data management in the current technology environment has been a significant challenge in improving the quality of service delivery. Data loss preventions are aimed at ensuring that the organization has total control of its data and its safe from cyber-attacks and internet thieves. The sensitivity of the company data makes it a key target for cybercriminals. Thus, data loss prevention is aimed at creating a favorable setting where the organization can implement better systems to improve the level of data protection. Data loss prevention is a process that incorporates different techniques based on the needs of the company.
Connecting devices for normal operations is a significant aspect which maintains a unique level of consideration. This makes it possible to implement better concepts that help manage organizational performance. Connections are different and employ a significant emphasis on a strategic level of focus on the underlying technologies. The links occur through wired or wireless networks. A higher level of engagement provides a strong necessary environment where it would be easier to manage the existing health needs.
Engelhardt, M. A. (2017). Hitching healthcare to the chain: An introduction to blockchain technology in the healthcare sector. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(10).
Finck, M. (2018). Blockchain Technology. In Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe.
Gao, Y., Li, H., & Luo, Y. (2015). An empirical study of wearable technology acceptance in healthcare. Industrial Management and Data Systems.
Schwamm, L. H. (2014). Telehealth: seven strategies to successfully implement disruptive technology and transform health care. Health Affairs, 33(2), 200-206.
Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. In 4–5 pages, address the following:
· Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.–Levels of Achievement:Excellent 23 (23%) – 25 (25%· Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.–Levels of Achievement:Excellent 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
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