- Develop a 6 page course design to be included in the selected nursing curriculum chosen in Assessment 1.
Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
According to Iwasiw and Goldenberg (2015), curriculum development in nursing education is a creative process intended to produce a unified, meaningful curriculum. It is an ongoing activity in nursing education, even in schools of nursing with established curricula (Iwasiw & Goldenberg, 2015, p. 3). This definition of curriculum development can be extended into the education of nurses in facilities other than a school of nursing. Nurses are also educated in clinical facilities and in many arenas providing continuing education units.
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Order Paper NowBillings and Halstead (2011) explain that many institutions that provide nursing education are reviewing how they can provide education that is consistent with their missions, provide for diversity in education, and be forward-thinking as they prepare for the future, while still maintaining a cost-effective, quality program.
Influencing factors fall into two categories: internal and external factors. External factors examine the larger environments that are outside of the organization. The internal factors influence the curriculum within organization (Keathing, 2014). The educator needs to have an understanding of the internal and external factors influencing curriculuar development.
This assessment provides you with an opportunity to outline the design of a course that will become part of the curriculum you selected and evaluated in the first assessment.
Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2011). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Iwasiw, C. L., & Goldenberg, D. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1:
Examine the development of a curriculum for a nursing program.
- Describe an appropriate course to include in a selected curriculum.
- Provide a rationale for adding a course to a selected curriculum.
- Suggest a topical outline for a course to be added to a selected curriculum.
- Competency 2:
Analyze factors that impact the design of a nursing curriculum.
- Explain with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering a new course within a selected curriculum.
- Describe the type of collaboration between external and internal stakeholders that will be needed throughout a process of curriculum development.
- Competency 3:
Select an appropriate organizing/curriculum framework for the design of nursing
- Explain and describe how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies impact curriculum design.
- Explain and describe how external factors such as funding, stakeholders, and regulatory and accrediting agencies affect curriculum design.
- Explain how the mission, philosophy, and framework of a program and parent institution impact curriculum design.
- Competency 5:
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with
the expectations of a nursing education.
- Write effectively using appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, and APA style and formatting.
Assessment Instructions
- Using the same nursing curriculum you selected in Assessment 1, design a course that could be added to the curriculum.
Design a course to be included in your selected nursing curriculum. In your course design:
- Describe
an appropriate course to include in a selected curriculum.
- Provide a rationale for adding a course to a selected curriculum.
- Suggest a topical outline for a course to be added to a selected curriculum.
- Explain with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering the new course within a selected curriculum design.
- Explain and describe how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies affect curriculum design.
- Explain and describe how external factors such as funding, stakeholders, and regulatory and accrediting agencies affect curriculum design.
- Explain how the mission, philosophy, and framework of the program and parent institution impact curriculum design.
- Describe the type of collaboration between external and internal stakeholders that will be needed throughout a process of curriculum development.
You will use this assessment to complete Assessment 3. Be sure to incorporate the feedback you receive before adding this assessment to Assessment 3.
Additional Requirements
- References:
Include references from at least two peer-reviewed journals that are not listed
in the Suggested Resources, cited in proper APA format.
- Length of design: The course design should be 6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and must follow proper APA style and formatting.
- Course outline: Include the course outline as an appendix. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the assessment.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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