Africana Studies: Letter From Saudi Arabia


ATO – Analytical Topic Outline

An ATO is a complete and personalized summary of a reading assignment.

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List the following information in order.  Skip lines for easy reading and review

  • Title, Author(s), Chapter (if applicable):  top of page
  • Thesis Statement:  In a complete sentence, paraphrase the author’s main idea.  (Paraphrase – restate the idea by using your own words)
  • Paragraph Summary: Write brief phrases or single words to describe each paragraph.  Use roman numerals to number each paragraph
  • Modified Thesis:   write an expanded thesis which may include something you read

CBEQ – Claim/Backing/Evidence/Qualification

When thinking critically about a text, readers should ask 4 questions. 1) What is the author claiming to be true?  2) Is the backing (support) for the claim adequate?   3) Is there valid evidencefor the conclusion?  4)  Did the writer include any qualifications (modifications, limits, or restrictions)?

  • Claim:  statement of main idea/possibly your modified thesis
  • Backing:  general statements that support claim – paraphrased excerpts from the reading
  • Evidence:  specific statements that support claim – quoted excerpts from the reading
  • Qualification:  specific statements that seem to contradict the claim (main idea)

Sample ATO and CBEQ


“A Black Perspective” by Larry Aubry

Thesis:  Freedom and justice are the bedrock of America.

I.        Bush justifies his actions

II.      The reality of African-American freedom

III.     Freedom and liberty

IV.     Struggles

V.      Freedom is a collective struggle for Black America

VI.     18th Century freedom, slavery and racism

VII.    Leaders who fight for freedom

VIII. Contradiction of freedom

IX.     Battle between liberty and slavery

X.      Freedom means escaping injustice

Modified Thesis:   For African-Americans, freedom and liberty were achieved many years after slavery was abolished.

Aubrey – CBEQ

C – Freedom and justice are achieved through struggles and debates based on American history.

B – Freedom and liberty are what Americans have constantly fought to achieve.

E – “The term liberty is deeply embedded in the documentary record of history and the language of everyday life.”

Q – There are no contradictions against Aubry’s claim.

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