Mini Paper
Mini papers are to be between 1 – 2 pages in length. Please follow the paper assignment guidelines (found in syllabus) on how to format the paper.
Think of an experience (negative or positive) you, a family member, or a friend has had with healthcare. Gauge the experience against IOM’s six aims, and identify any opportunities for improvement.
Paper guidelines:
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Order Paper Now- Have a cover page with the individual’s name, title of assignment, and due date of assignment
- Typed, using 12 point font, Times New Roman
- Double spaced with 1” margins all around
- Page numbers in the top right corner of all pages except cover page.
- Use an APA format for citations and references. Make sure you give proper credit to the sources you are using. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
- Have a list of references in correct format at the end of the paper
- Be error free – make sure you do a spell-check/grammar-check before submitting!
- This is a QUALITY course; therefore, I expect QUALITY work!
Failure to follow these directions (listed in #1-5) will result in an automatic 10 percentage point deduction from the assignment’s total point value.
If your Turnitin score is above a 35%, it will result in an automatic 40-point deduction to your final score. Additionally, the professor will review your Turnitin originality report and if warranted, may require student to re-do their entire paper or specific sections of it.
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